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From: Irish Political Review: Editorials
Date: March, 2014
By: Editorial

The Ukraine, Pawn To King Four -

The Ukraine
Pawn To King Four - "Fuck The EU!"
The appearance of the Ukraine as a state was an incidental by-product of the destruction of the Soviet State by the corrupt, demagogic, democrat, Yeltsin.
Corruption played an essential part in the construction and maintenance of the Liberal British State and its modification into what we now call democracy. The necessity of corruption in the stabilisation of the system of representative government was acknowledged for about a century and a half by British political writers. But the single-minded ideological expert on Irish political corruption, Irish Times columnist Elaine Byrne, who preferred to emigrate rather than stand by her vacuous principles in Court, didn't have a clue about the foundations of the ideology which she peddled childishly in the mysteriously-funded newspaper that employed her.
Yeltsin was not usefully corrupt. He was a Communist Party functionary who found himself, in a political crisis, in a position where he could pull the State down, and he did it.
He enacted national revolutions by destroying the multi-national State, and he enacted a capitalist revolution by giving big chunks of the nationalised property to cronies for a song.

The Ukraine was a component of the Soviet state, within which it was functional. Its appearance as an independent state was not the result of national struggle. It came into being as a product of disintegration. It had no long struggle for independence behind it, such as Ireland had when Britain denied it independence in 1919. Independence was conferred on it.
In its formal capitalist independence it had neither a capitalist ruling class nor a political system which had cut grooves in the society on which it might run. It had only a group of economic oligarchs who had never functioned as competitive capitalists. They were stinking rich through no effort of their own. To describe them as corrupt capitalists would be to flatter them.

Russia, which had been prostrated before Western capital during the period of oligarchic anarchy created by Yeltsin, was restored to a degree of national economic and political existence by Putin. Oligarchs who tried to preserve the anarchy in which they flourished were imprisoned or exiled. The exiled oligarch, Berezhovsky, was a devout believer in an exceptionally debased form of Marxist economic determinism. He knew that economics determined politics, and that Putin must fail because the oligarchs owned the economy. When Putin succeeded, Berezhovsky formed a kind of Capitalist International, and made the "Orange Revolution" in the Ukraine its base for attacking the national restoration that was happening in Russia.
But the Orange Revolution was a bubble of illusion. The Ukrainian oligarchs fell out with one another and set about doing each other down. Julia Timoshenko was jailed for the corrupt crime of being soft on Russia by other oligarchs with other interests. And Berezhovsky was ruined by a libel dispute with another of Yeltsin's creatures.
Independent Ukraine has been dominated by oligarchs but it has not been ruled by an oligarchy.

Conservative elements in Germany in the late 1980s favoured assisting the incompetent Gorbachev in reforming the Soviet bloc, or a large part of it. But Washington decided to precipitate its collapse. And, when the Warsaw Pact military block, against which the NATO military bloc was supposed to be a defensive instrument, disintegrated, NATO was immediately given an international expansionist purpose. The EU fell into line with Washington policy. Yugoslavia, which did not fall with the Soviet bloc because it was independent and Western-orientated, was destroyed by incitement to national/religious war.
Similar things were done in the rest of the world. Suharto's Indonesia, allowed a protectionist capitalism during the Cold War, was destabilised; Muslim fundamentalism was encouraged, etc.

The last election in the Ukraine was not judged to be politically-corrupt. It negotiated favourable economic deals with Russia, while also establishing links with the EU. It tried to make an arrangement for a closer arrangement with the EU, but wanted compensation for the destruction of its industrial economy which this would entail. But the EU would not put up the money. It expected the Ukraine to make sacrifices for the sake of being admitted to the European ideal. Russia also made it clear that a Ukraine in a free trade relationship with Europe would encounter tariff barriers at the Russian border. In this situation the Ukrainian Government accepted a Russian offer, which exceeded what the EU would put up. It was an offer that would enable it to preserve its industrial economy.
The occupation of the central square in Kiev began immediately. Fortifications were built in it. EU personnel—including the egregious Pat Cox, whose life achievement is the undermining of the Commission on which purposeful EU consolidation depended—went to Kiev in order to enhance demonstration into insurrection. Washington poured money in and took control of the insurrection.
The Government was overthrown by an insurrection in the capital, which was not representative of the country. It was like the action of the Paris mob at various points in the French Revolution.
The EU leaders became apprehensive about the consequences of what they were doing. They brokered a deal between the Government and the insurrection for the formation of a Coalition Government. "Fuck the EU!", said Obama (through Victoria Nuland, his Assistant Secretary Of State). The EU compromise was brushed aside overnight. The insurrection was intensified. Government buildings were occupied. Suddenly there was a new Government supported by Militias of various kinds.

When it became public knowledge that Obama was directing the insurrection, Yanukovich did not call in the US Ambassador and expel him and his extensive entourage. That fact, more than anything else, demonstrated his unfitness to govern.

There is now talk of the division of the Ukraine on the basis of nationality. But those who were disrupting government last week now insist, having become the Government, that the Ukraine is a national unity and must be held together under their rule.
The Russian population of Ukraine points out that the militant groups in the insurrection are Nazi. No doubt they are. Hitler in his half-hearted gesture towards destroying the Soviet Union by establishing national states in areas he had conquered found no difficulty in raising up large bodies of Ukrainians for the project. The most recent tradition out of which a Ukrainian nationalism might arise is the Nazi tradition.
The Imperialist West in the late thirties apparently sought to use Nazism against Communism, but accident and poor calculation led to its becoming dependent on Communism to defeat Nazi Germany. So the important thing in our world is not Fascism per se, but whether it serves our interest. And the Interest to which our world is committed now, more than ever before, requires complete dominance of the world.

The Ukraine, "Fuck The EU". Editorial
The EU: Breaking The Code. Jack Lane
What Unionism Wants. Brendan Clifford
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Index To Irish Political Review, 2013.
Mr. Bean Falls Over Facts. Seán McGouran
Biteback: Ukraine: An Insight (Report of Jonathan Steele article)
Does It Stack Up? Michael Stack (Renewable Energy; Global Warming)
Trade Union Notes
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